Not Qualified for Office.
Today, I will espouse some thoughts about our "Leadless Fuehrer" and his cronies. Now, I have nothing against Bush, personally. I know several very nice idiots and George would fit right in. What bothers me is having my Constitutional rights trampled by someone who was appointed by the "taco-supreme court" (small letters to show my level of respect).
Here is how I see it:
GOOD: G. W. would probably make a damn fine drinkin' buddy!
BAD: He is way too stupid to be the Prez.
GOOD: He has surrounded himself with intelligent people!
BAD: These are dangerous fascists who would make better dictators than public servants.
GOOD: A lot of people are starting to see through all the lies and manipulations this administration has perpetrated to keep the money flowing to their rich buddies.
BAD: A lot of people don't!
It is scary how many folks are welcoming George Orwell's "Big Brother" with open arms and closed little minds. Do you want the government to have control over every little thing you do?
Worse, yet, is the "Thought Police" mentality! Being arrested and punished for crimes that you MIGHT commit! I am an adult who will occasionally take a bottle of wine to a dinner party. If the bottle is opened but not finished, I cannot take it back home without risking arrest because I "might consider drinking it while driving"!!! If I'm driving drunk, throw the book at me, but don't arrest me for being capable of irresponsible behavior!
In California, if I pick up my wife's prescription and am walking home with it, I can be charged with possession of controlled substances and automatically loose my driver's license for 6 months! Where is the driving connection, here?
There are countless examples of "thought crimes" being prosecuted in this country. This is only a tiny slice of that pie. Let's get back to a mind-set of responsible behavior being legal and irresponsible behavior being punished.
Doesn't that make more sense?
Here is how I see it:
GOOD: G. W. would probably make a damn fine drinkin' buddy!
BAD: He is way too stupid to be the Prez.
GOOD: He has surrounded himself with intelligent people!
BAD: These are dangerous fascists who would make better dictators than public servants.
GOOD: A lot of people are starting to see through all the lies and manipulations this administration has perpetrated to keep the money flowing to their rich buddies.
BAD: A lot of people don't!
It is scary how many folks are welcoming George Orwell's "Big Brother" with open arms and closed little minds. Do you want the government to have control over every little thing you do?
Worse, yet, is the "Thought Police" mentality! Being arrested and punished for crimes that you MIGHT commit! I am an adult who will occasionally take a bottle of wine to a dinner party. If the bottle is opened but not finished, I cannot take it back home without risking arrest because I "might consider drinking it while driving"!!! If I'm driving drunk, throw the book at me, but don't arrest me for being capable of irresponsible behavior!
In California, if I pick up my wife's prescription and am walking home with it, I can be charged with possession of controlled substances and automatically loose my driver's license for 6 months! Where is the driving connection, here?
There are countless examples of "thought crimes" being prosecuted in this country. This is only a tiny slice of that pie. Let's get back to a mind-set of responsible behavior being legal and irresponsible behavior being punished.
Doesn't that make more sense?
At September 29, 2004 at 2:20 PM,
Dave Gaston said…
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