
Rants about intrusive government control freaks.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Republican "Fakts"!

To my complete lack of understanding, it seems that the Republican Party is striving to become the Party of Liars. They are working hard at this and seem to be having phenomenal success!

They have been making "fakts" (fake facts) up as they go along. Granted, it takes less time to check the fakts, now, than it used to, but to throw out an inflammatory statement that is untrue, will still damage the image of the smear target. And repeating this lie over and over will cause it to be accepted as fact by the idiot masses (i.e. Republicans). These idiot masses then regurgitate these "fakts" as reliably as parrots and proliferate the lie! (I apologize to all the parrots of the world for comparing them to Republicans!)

Truth, Ethics, Credibility, Honor, and Trust... do not seem to have any place in the new Liar Party! Neither do Common Sense, Intelligent Discourse, or Well Thought-out Decisions. Bush would gladly, and as easily, lie about Kerry eating his first born, as Cheney did about never meeting Edwards. However, the true horror in all this is that their “Ditto-Headed” followers would then believe that Kerry actually ate his first-born!

The Liar Party does not care what your vote costs them... please be aware of what your vote can cost you!!!

The "Anyone but Bush" mentality may not be enough this election year. We must rally around someone with the courage, credibility, intelligence, and strength to do this job! We must garner enough votes to bury any election manipulations that are planned by the Liar Party. This time, a coup d'état by Bush's cronies will not be tolerated and another stolen election will probably start a civil war... or at least I hope it would!

This country desperately needs Honor and Credibility in the White House, again!

John Kerry proved his courage and leadership in Vietnam and later as he challenged our awareness of the "truth of war" in front of the Winter Soldier Investigation in 1971. He has continued to serve America and her Citizens with intelligent leadership ever since. If you really want to oust George Bush... to put America back on a path to gain world respect and credibility... to stop murdering our young men and women in Iraq through "More of the Same" policies... you must vote for John Kerry in the 2004 election!

Honor America... VOTE!


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