
Rants about intrusive government control freaks.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Decision-making 101

I have run across an article entitled "Judging Authority" at:

Something could be learned from this article by anyone trying to make an intelligent decision. It covers three basic areas of the decision-making process, critical thinking, evidential reasoning, and judging authority. That 51% who voted for Bush (if this actually happened) would have done themselves, and the world, a great favor by spending some time in all three areas. Even spending time in one of these areas would have made a Bush vote an impossibility.

1. Critical Thinking - Does the candidate make sense? The chart on critical thinking suggests asking questions and avoiding emotional reasoning. (Emotional Reasoning? Isn't that an Oxymoron?) Critical thinking is a skill found neither in Bush, nor in his "Sheeple". They decide what they want to be true and then believe only those facts which can be twisted into supporting that decision.

2. Evidential Reasoning - What decision does the preponderance of evidence support? This chart mentions Logic and Honesty... both traits severely lacking in this administration. If TRUTH is really the first casualty of war, then Bush's claim to be "The War President" is certainly a good title for him. ALL related evidence is valid! You cannot pick and choose only the evidence that supports the desired outcome. (Another truth that this administration and its "ditto-headed" followers are blind to!)

3. Judging Authority - Does this authority use both critical thinking and evidential reasoning? The Repugnant Party seems to have a particular problem with this. Nixon was famous for commissioning studies, such as the Commission on Campus Unrest, then throwing out the results when they were not what he wanted to hear! In this case, the commission spent lots of money and time diligently researching the problem, only to find that the students had lost respect for rules and authorities after watching the, then current, administration flaunt it's own disrespect for laws and ethical considerations. Bush is no different in his discounting of any facts which do not support, or are contrary to, his plan of action! (WMD's, Global Warming, etc., etc., etc.)

If the Sheeple of the Divided States of America don't wish to be bothered by real facts, or wish to put there trust in "fakts" (fake facts - made up to rationalize a bad decision), so be it! I'll be keeping my ears open for the new Civil War to start! In such a war, I would gladly fight to get my country back... instead of fighting for corporate profits, like those poor unfortunate young military people who have been used as cannon fodder for this administration's personal agenda!

I can't believe that a thinking America, would have ever put an imbecile like Dubya at the wheel!


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