The Rise and Fall of America!
I prefer to think that the end was brought about by the combination of an unscrupulous Political Machine, unlimited corporate money, and unethical manipulation of the votes by manufacturers of electronic voting machines! The alternative would be that we are a nation populated by a majority of uninformed or unintelligent people. In either case, I don't expect there will be an America, four years from now!
With an idiot at the wheel, no thinking individual can believe that we can zoom through the world at 100 miles per hour, ignoring all the signs, never turning the steering wheel, and survive for long! We may have long been an object of world envy, but G. W. has traded in our image of prosperity and freedom, for an image of arrogance and corruption! Now, we are the object of world hatred! Basically, Dubya has traded in our shiny smooth-running car for an ugly smoke-belching clunker! What a horse-trader, huh?
For the next four years, I see uninhabitable cities from "dirty bombs", unreliable air and ground transportation due to terrorist attacks, unbreathable air filled with chemical and biological agents, and a generally unsafe world caused by everyone else in the world wanting us dead! And that is just what the foreign terrorists will make of America!
The domestic terrorists (i.e. George and company) will destroy America from within by obliterating precious freedoms, invading the sanctity of our homes and bodies, and adulterating our very Constitution!
It really was a grand experiment in Democracy; it lasted 228 years! Thanks, George, for running it into the ground!
With an idiot at the wheel, no thinking individual can believe that we can zoom through the world at 100 miles per hour, ignoring all the signs, never turning the steering wheel, and survive for long! We may have long been an object of world envy, but G. W. has traded in our image of prosperity and freedom, for an image of arrogance and corruption! Now, we are the object of world hatred! Basically, Dubya has traded in our shiny smooth-running car for an ugly smoke-belching clunker! What a horse-trader, huh?
For the next four years, I see uninhabitable cities from "dirty bombs", unreliable air and ground transportation due to terrorist attacks, unbreathable air filled with chemical and biological agents, and a generally unsafe world caused by everyone else in the world wanting us dead! And that is just what the foreign terrorists will make of America!
The domestic terrorists (i.e. George and company) will destroy America from within by obliterating precious freedoms, invading the sanctity of our homes and bodies, and adulterating our very Constitution!
It really was a grand experiment in Democracy; it lasted 228 years! Thanks, George, for running it into the ground!
At November 14, 2005 at 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
In your post you mention "an experiment in democracy"; thought you may be interested in knowing that the word 'democracy' cannot be found in the Constitution or the Decalaration of Independence.
Within the Constitition can be found a statement that all States are to be guaranteed a republican form of government - Not to be confused with the Republican party.
Our founders intended to establish a confederation of states each one a constitutional republic.
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