Four More Years... of Global Warming!
As we head into the New Dark Ages, I anticipate irreversible damage, not just to our country, but to the world! We have a "leader"(God, forgive me for this use of that term.) who not only refuses to listen to science, but actively undermines any research which might find facts contrary to the "fakts" (fake facts) he has decided to believe in. George is, apparently, quite comfortable with his head in a warm dark-brown place. If he doesn't want to deal with a problem like Global Warming, he just denies its existence and, POOF!, no more problem. (Just don't buy any "beach front" property, in the near future!)
Dubya and cronies have never had any allegiance to truth, so why should scientific facts have any effect on their preconceived opinions?
An article from Wired News entitled: "Science Braces for Second Term", can be found at:,1283,65693,00.html/wn_ascii
The article goes on to mention the problems in four key areas, stem-cell research, global climate change, renewable-energy research and science education. All are under attack in Bush's "War on Science"!
After four more years of Bush's "Head up the Ass" position, many of the best scientists will have gone to other, more sensible countries, to continue their research. In the process of destroying our country, he is alienating the very people we need to repair the damage!
If there IS an America, four years from now, the new Prez will have an incredibility hard road to hoe, if he expects to pull us back from the brink of chaos! I think it would be a hoot to see a “Repugnicant” take the job and have to try and pontificate upon the great job that G. W. Idiot had done!
Dubya and cronies have never had any allegiance to truth, so why should scientific facts have any effect on their preconceived opinions?
An article from Wired News entitled: "Science Braces for Second Term", can be found at:,1283,65693,00.html/wn_ascii
The article goes on to mention the problems in four key areas, stem-cell research, global climate change, renewable-energy research and science education. All are under attack in Bush's "War on Science"!
After four more years of Bush's "Head up the Ass" position, many of the best scientists will have gone to other, more sensible countries, to continue their research. In the process of destroying our country, he is alienating the very people we need to repair the damage!
If there IS an America, four years from now, the new Prez will have an incredibility hard road to hoe, if he expects to pull us back from the brink of chaos! I think it would be a hoot to see a “Repugnicant” take the job and have to try and pontificate upon the great job that G. W. Idiot had done!
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