
Rants about intrusive government control freaks.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Thoughts on Why Bush Won the Election...

At first, I believed that Bush won the election because 51% of the voters were as stupid as he is. But, as more information comes to light in the 20/20 view of hindsight, I now see that Republicans rallied together in the strongest universal bond humans have ever known... hatred!

Taking a lesson from Hitler's use of the Jews, Bush stirred up hatred toward gays to a fevered pitch! The republicans, showing all the intelligence and deep thinking of a lynch mob, flocked to the poles to make sure that someone (Anyone!) would remain inferior to them! Gay human beings just happen to be the targets!

It is ironic that these insecure voters believed that they were claiming the moral high ground through this hateful and hurtful action. (Isn't "Hate your neighbor" one of the Ten Commandments? Oh no, that was a proposed Constitutional amendment!)

If these self-righteous morons want to claim "marriage" as a being a religious covenant that only belongs to heterosexual couples... fine! Keep that word. I'm sure that loving, stable, monogamous, responsible adult gays would gladly use some other word... as long as it bestowed all the same legal rights and privileges granted those spiteful, unstable, cheating, irresponsible childish hetero couples who "marry"! But, the denial of these rights and privileges to any loving couple is hateful and patently wrong, on so many levels!

I believe in the separation of church and state! The legal rights that are conferred upon "married couples, should be available to any consenting adults in this country. I have no problem with churches refusing to recognize these "marriages"; they can preach all the hate they want! But, for Gay couples, "marriage's" legal rights (by any name) must be recognized by the governments (federal and state) and any businesses (insurance companies, hospitals, etc.) that wish to operate within our borders!

That brings us back to the attempt to make "Hating Gays" a Constitutional requirement. Unfortunately, Bush is going to believe that he has a mandate for his "War on the American People" and will be working faster than a cat burglar who just heard a car pull in the driveway! And, now that he doesn't have to think (probably a poorly chosen word, when referring to Bush) about re-election, all checks and balances have been removed and he no longer has to worry about what Americans really want!

This will be a very different country, once Bush has ruined it further! It will take decades to undo the damage that will occur in the next four years!

Civil Disobedience, anyone?


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