
Rants about intrusive government control freaks.

Friday, November 19, 2004

War, for four more?

War has long been known as a prime force for controlling nation states! It controls, not only the internal population, by encouraging violence against those who dare to question the necessity of the "war du jour", but controls external populations who get the shit kicked outa’ them!

War bolsters incomes for the executives of related industries, it allows the government to suspend guaranteed rights and protective laws, it teaches high ranking officials that playing at war is fun (never mind that the board pieces represent somebody else’s loss of life and / or limb), it focuses public scrutiny away from secret, and lucrative, back-room deals between government and big business, and even gives the government legitimacy in hiding anything potentially embarrassing behind the “National Security” shield.

Although I’m sure it had to be pointed out to Dubya, murdering a thousand, or so, young people was a great way to establish himself as the “War President”! It also helped to legitimize the suspension of Constitutional rights for anyone who’s views were intelligent enough to question our invasion. This mass murder was, one of the all time greatest election campaign ploys!

(Just don’t let anyone know that war isn’t all flag waving and heroes. We must keep quiet about the burnt bodies and maimed children. Otherwise, how could this administration sell war as a good thing?)

The main difference in perspective and determination between us and them, is the way we see war. Our war news is more like ice cream and ticker-tape parades (Rah, rah, rah!); their news shows the faces of the dead and the destruction of their sacred places. Now, whom do you think will have a more realistic view of war?

We march into war with our proud national blinders on and are shocked by death; they go to war “knowing” that they are fighting the “devil” for their very souls! Whom do you think will sign up to fight… expecting to die for the common good? Who is more likely to sacrifice himself, and feel he is doing God’s work? Every one of their fighting men and women are fanatics! Our fanatics, only hold the top few spots in our chain of command. “Trickle-Down Cowboy Diplomacy” will never be a match for pure selfless belief in your cause!

THERE IS NO WAY TO STOP TERROISM! Oh, we can stop some of it, but, basically, we are trying to drown those fires in gasoline! The more we “Occupy” other countries, the easier it will be for them to recruit suicide bombers. If 1 out of 100 is successful (and there are thousands), we can lose a city to a dirty bomb. We can find our water reservoirs poisoned. Plagues can spread through population centers. And, with today’s capabilities, plagues can even be tailored to specific ethnicities!

The world is a scary fire that we keep throwing fuel on. Can we do that for four more years and expect to survive?


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