
Rants about intrusive government control freaks.

Friday, November 19, 2004

War, for four more?

War has long been known as a prime force for controlling nation states! It controls, not only the internal population, by encouraging violence against those who dare to question the necessity of the "war du jour", but controls external populations who get the shit kicked outa’ them!

War bolsters incomes for the executives of related industries, it allows the government to suspend guaranteed rights and protective laws, it teaches high ranking officials that playing at war is fun (never mind that the board pieces represent somebody else’s loss of life and / or limb), it focuses public scrutiny away from secret, and lucrative, back-room deals between government and big business, and even gives the government legitimacy in hiding anything potentially embarrassing behind the “National Security” shield.

Although I’m sure it had to be pointed out to Dubya, murdering a thousand, or so, young people was a great way to establish himself as the “War President”! It also helped to legitimize the suspension of Constitutional rights for anyone who’s views were intelligent enough to question our invasion. This mass murder was, one of the all time greatest election campaign ploys!

(Just don’t let anyone know that war isn’t all flag waving and heroes. We must keep quiet about the burnt bodies and maimed children. Otherwise, how could this administration sell war as a good thing?)

The main difference in perspective and determination between us and them, is the way we see war. Our war news is more like ice cream and ticker-tape parades (Rah, rah, rah!); their news shows the faces of the dead and the destruction of their sacred places. Now, whom do you think will have a more realistic view of war?

We march into war with our proud national blinders on and are shocked by death; they go to war “knowing” that they are fighting the “devil” for their very souls! Whom do you think will sign up to fight… expecting to die for the common good? Who is more likely to sacrifice himself, and feel he is doing God’s work? Every one of their fighting men and women are fanatics! Our fanatics, only hold the top few spots in our chain of command. “Trickle-Down Cowboy Diplomacy” will never be a match for pure selfless belief in your cause!

THERE IS NO WAY TO STOP TERROISM! Oh, we can stop some of it, but, basically, we are trying to drown those fires in gasoline! The more we “Occupy” other countries, the easier it will be for them to recruit suicide bombers. If 1 out of 100 is successful (and there are thousands), we can lose a city to a dirty bomb. We can find our water reservoirs poisoned. Plagues can spread through population centers. And, with today’s capabilities, plagues can even be tailored to specific ethnicities!

The world is a scary fire that we keep throwing fuel on. Can we do that for four more years and expect to survive?

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Trickle-Down Cowboy Diplomacy

It seem that the "mandate" for Cowboy Diplomacy, delivered by questionable election results, has trickled down to the soldiers on the battlefield! It is doubtful that the Marine, who killed the wounded and unarmed Iraqi in the Mosque, did so without believing it would be acceptable! The same can be said for the Abu Ghraib fiasco. And where, pray tell, might these notions have come from?

You guessed it... The Top!

The Repugnicant Party ran, by far, the dirtiest, most ethics free, and underhanded campaign that this country has ever seen! (Although, I have no doubts that I will have to revise this statement in four years.) And, in the previous four years, Bush made it clear that this administration has no respect for: The Geneva Convention, the sovereignty of other nations, the authority of the United Nations, world opinion, our own Constitution and Bill of Rights, basic human rights, or the citizens of this (or any other) country!

With such blatant disregard, by our "leaders", for established rules of conduct, is it any wonder that our children soldiers, at the front, display the same bankruptcy of ethics and contempt for human decency? They are simple doing what they believe is expected of them by their "superiors"! Even without the "piss-poor" examples, set by those in command, it is ludicrous to put young men and women in an insane situation, such as war, and expect them to continue to act sanely!

I have no doubt that this latest "shoot-em-up" horror is a direct result of subtly expressed expectations from the top! The fire of world hatred, fanned by the winds of arrogance in our cowboy led government, has just received a big splash of gasoline! And, sadly true to form, an inexhaustible supply of gasoline is waiting in the wings to be poured on other fires, with the same moronic expectation that more gas will put them out!

So, until we can unseat our Cowboy Prez from the horse called America, we continue to ride, full speed, toward World War III. But, in this war, we are what the world will attempt rid itself of!

Thanks a lot, Dubya!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Four More Years... of Global Warming!

As we head into the New Dark Ages, I anticipate irreversible damage, not just to our country, but to the world! We have a "leader"(God, forgive me for this use of that term.) who not only refuses to listen to science, but actively undermines any research which might find facts contrary to the "fakts" (fake facts) he has decided to believe in. George is, apparently, quite comfortable with his head in a warm dark-brown place. If he doesn't want to deal with a problem like Global Warming, he just denies its existence and, POOF!, no more problem. (Just don't buy any "beach front" property, in the near future!)

Dubya and cronies have never had any allegiance to truth, so why should scientific facts have any effect on their preconceived opinions?

An article from Wired News entitled: "Science Braces for Second Term", can be found at:,1283,65693,00.html/wn_ascii
The article goes on to mention the problems in four key areas, stem-cell research, global climate change, renewable-energy research and science education. All are under attack in Bush's "War on Science"!

After four more years of Bush's "Head up the Ass" position, many of the best scientists will have gone to other, more sensible countries, to continue their research. In the process of destroying our country, he is alienating the very people we need to repair the damage!

If there IS an America, four years from now, the new Prez will have an incredibility hard road to hoe, if he expects to pull us back from the brink of chaos! I think it would be a hoot to see a “Repugnicant” take the job and have to try and pontificate upon the great job that G. W. Idiot had done!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Civil War or World War III, your choice!

We are all watching while "President Moron" takes a few more steps to insure that the next World War starts on his watch! He insists that another thousand, or so, young American lives be tossed on the fires of war through his reckless actions! With his newly acquired mandate to keep on being stupid, I would bet that he can snuff the next thousand lives a lot quicker than he did the first thousand!

But, BE PROUD! These lives aren't wasted; these lives are being traded for corporate profits and that is good for this country! By insuring the deaths of thousands of young men and women and insuring that favored businesses thrive... "President Dopey" is creating jobs!

With these dead men and women abandoning their jobs in increasing numbers, a whole new set of workers will have jobs available to them. Also, with corporate war profits soaring and tax kickbacks filling the pockets of the elite, more jobs will be created! These privileged few will need more jewelry, Roles Royces, yachts, designer clothes, French Villas, etc. and somebody has to make these items! OK, most of these are made overseas, but this country will definitely need more taxi drivers to take these richer business owners to the airports and cruise ships!

(Is anyone getting the point?)

Now that we have made a big mistake in this election, the only alternative to World War III is the removal of G. W. from the White House! Unfortunately, assassination is out. Not because it is wrong, but because it would put the fascist Cheney at the top... without a buffer of stupidity in the figurehead! Likewise, a new election would probably be as useless as the recent one. Less than half the population of the US exercised its right to vote and a mentally challenged 20% of the population was enough to put Dubya at the wheel!

Even seceding from those parts of the U.S. who consider an idiot a great leader and starting a new country, would not put us far enough away, physically, to avoid the radioactive fallout that will occur when the rest of the world brings the war here!

No! What is needed now is a Civil War that would replace the entire administration with non-fascist and non-moronic leadership! You might even start looking into a militia to join! But join quickly, before this benevolent administration breaks down your door (all under the pretext of "National Security", of course) and seizes the weapons that the Bill of Rights allows you!

I don't know what the future will bring, but I do know that "staying the course" will be disastrous! We are being driven down the Highway by a mentally impaired egomaniac who has decided that this is the road to be on, to "stay the course"... never mind all the "BRIDGE IS OUT" signs we are speeding past!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Thoughts on Why Bush Won the Election...

At first, I believed that Bush won the election because 51% of the voters were as stupid as he is. But, as more information comes to light in the 20/20 view of hindsight, I now see that Republicans rallied together in the strongest universal bond humans have ever known... hatred!

Taking a lesson from Hitler's use of the Jews, Bush stirred up hatred toward gays to a fevered pitch! The republicans, showing all the intelligence and deep thinking of a lynch mob, flocked to the poles to make sure that someone (Anyone!) would remain inferior to them! Gay human beings just happen to be the targets!

It is ironic that these insecure voters believed that they were claiming the moral high ground through this hateful and hurtful action. (Isn't "Hate your neighbor" one of the Ten Commandments? Oh no, that was a proposed Constitutional amendment!)

If these self-righteous morons want to claim "marriage" as a being a religious covenant that only belongs to heterosexual couples... fine! Keep that word. I'm sure that loving, stable, monogamous, responsible adult gays would gladly use some other word... as long as it bestowed all the same legal rights and privileges granted those spiteful, unstable, cheating, irresponsible childish hetero couples who "marry"! But, the denial of these rights and privileges to any loving couple is hateful and patently wrong, on so many levels!

I believe in the separation of church and state! The legal rights that are conferred upon "married couples, should be available to any consenting adults in this country. I have no problem with churches refusing to recognize these "marriages"; they can preach all the hate they want! But, for Gay couples, "marriage's" legal rights (by any name) must be recognized by the governments (federal and state) and any businesses (insurance companies, hospitals, etc.) that wish to operate within our borders!

That brings us back to the attempt to make "Hating Gays" a Constitutional requirement. Unfortunately, Bush is going to believe that he has a mandate for his "War on the American People" and will be working faster than a cat burglar who just heard a car pull in the driveway! And, now that he doesn't have to think (probably a poorly chosen word, when referring to Bush) about re-election, all checks and balances have been removed and he no longer has to worry about what Americans really want!

This will be a very different country, once Bush has ruined it further! It will take decades to undo the damage that will occur in the next four years!

Civil Disobedience, anyone?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Decision-making 101

I have run across an article entitled "Judging Authority" at:

Something could be learned from this article by anyone trying to make an intelligent decision. It covers three basic areas of the decision-making process, critical thinking, evidential reasoning, and judging authority. That 51% who voted for Bush (if this actually happened) would have done themselves, and the world, a great favor by spending some time in all three areas. Even spending time in one of these areas would have made a Bush vote an impossibility.

1. Critical Thinking - Does the candidate make sense? The chart on critical thinking suggests asking questions and avoiding emotional reasoning. (Emotional Reasoning? Isn't that an Oxymoron?) Critical thinking is a skill found neither in Bush, nor in his "Sheeple". They decide what they want to be true and then believe only those facts which can be twisted into supporting that decision.

2. Evidential Reasoning - What decision does the preponderance of evidence support? This chart mentions Logic and Honesty... both traits severely lacking in this administration. If TRUTH is really the first casualty of war, then Bush's claim to be "The War President" is certainly a good title for him. ALL related evidence is valid! You cannot pick and choose only the evidence that supports the desired outcome. (Another truth that this administration and its "ditto-headed" followers are blind to!)

3. Judging Authority - Does this authority use both critical thinking and evidential reasoning? The Repugnant Party seems to have a particular problem with this. Nixon was famous for commissioning studies, such as the Commission on Campus Unrest, then throwing out the results when they were not what he wanted to hear! In this case, the commission spent lots of money and time diligently researching the problem, only to find that the students had lost respect for rules and authorities after watching the, then current, administration flaunt it's own disrespect for laws and ethical considerations. Bush is no different in his discounting of any facts which do not support, or are contrary to, his plan of action! (WMD's, Global Warming, etc., etc., etc.)

If the Sheeple of the Divided States of America don't wish to be bothered by real facts, or wish to put there trust in "fakts" (fake facts - made up to rationalize a bad decision), so be it! I'll be keeping my ears open for the new Civil War to start! In such a war, I would gladly fight to get my country back... instead of fighting for corporate profits, like those poor unfortunate young military people who have been used as cannon fodder for this administration's personal agenda!

I can't believe that a thinking America, would have ever put an imbecile like Dubya at the wheel!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"The United States of Not Idiots"?

What should we call the new country we start?

There are over 55 million of us who actually think and weigh issues! I don’t want to be a part of this one anymore. I hold no hope for a country where the majority are uninformed, unquestioning, and unteachable!

The Rise and Fall of America!

I prefer to think that the end was brought about by the combination of an unscrupulous Political Machine, unlimited corporate money, and unethical manipulation of the votes by manufacturers of electronic voting machines! The alternative would be that we are a nation populated by a majority of uninformed or unintelligent people. In either case, I don't expect there will be an America, four years from now!

With an idiot at the wheel, no thinking individual can believe that we can zoom through the world at 100 miles per hour, ignoring all the signs, never turning the steering wheel, and survive for long! We may have long been an object of world envy, but G. W. has traded in our image of prosperity and freedom, for an image of arrogance and corruption! Now, we are the object of world hatred! Basically, Dubya has traded in our shiny smooth-running car for an ugly smoke-belching clunker! What a horse-trader, huh?

For the next four years, I see uninhabitable cities from "dirty bombs", unreliable air and ground transportation due to terrorist attacks, unbreathable air filled with chemical and biological agents, and a generally unsafe world caused by everyone else in the world wanting us dead! And that is just what the foreign terrorists will make of America!

The domestic terrorists (i.e. George and company) will destroy America from within by obliterating precious freedoms, invading the sanctity of our homes and bodies, and adulterating our very Constitution!

It really was a grand experiment in Democracy; it lasted 228 years! Thanks, George, for running it into the ground!