
Rants about intrusive government control freaks.

Monday, October 25, 2004

The World-wide Presidential Race

In an article at Wired News entitled "World Weighs in on U.S. Prez Race",1283,65451,00.html?tw=newsletter_topstories_html
a website called World Peace Society
has run a poll for non-US citizens to state their choices on who they believe is qualified to run America. I think the results show real insight into the men beneath the hype!

The article goes on to state:
"Let's help the U.S. figure out who their president should be. Lord knows they spend a lot of time 'helping' other countries with theirs," says the site. Kerry led with 44 percent of the more than 10,000 votes cast on the Australia-based site as of Oct. 19, while President Bush had just over 5 percent. Independent Ralph Nader, who in real polls scores in the low single digits, had 39 percent of the Internet vote.

Isn't it obvious how Bush is seen in today's world? If you are voting for Bush, you have to be an idiot, either by choice or genetics... no informed person could still believe he could be good for our country, or the world! (With one exception...)

The only intelligent and informed people who want Bush to win, are the foreign terrorist! (Oh yeah... the domestic terrorists like Cheney and Ashcroft want him to win, too!) They thrive on G. W.'s stupidity and antagonistic "Cowboy Diplomacy"! The foreign terrorists can set him up as the target (and the rest of us by association) for hatred and use his image to recruit more and more zealots to fuel the "cause".

Let's get rid of the "KICK ME" sign that is currently taped to our collective backs by re-defeating Bush in this election! Aren't you tired of most of the world wanting us dead?

Monday, October 18, 2004

Election Fraud 2004!

Well, Jeb Bush is at it again! A Wired News article:,1283,65377,00.html?tw=newsletter_topstories_html

... read as follows:
"TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Florida Gov. Jeb Bush ignored advice to throw out a flawed felon voter list before it went out to county election offices despite warnings from state officials, according to a report published Saturday. "

It goes on to mention that this same database wrongly disenfranchised 2,500 voters in 2000, most of them Democrats. Obviously, the Liar Party does not care what it has to do to rig the elections! Unless something goes terribly wrong for these enemies of Democracy, G. W. may be the only person to ever serve two terms as president... without ever having been legally elected!

GET OUT AND VOTE! It may take overwhelming numbers to counter the underhanded and patently illegal manipulation of the electronic votes that is likely planned by Diebold and other special interests! If you can vote and leave a paper trail... do so! Absentee ballots are a good way to guarantee that your vote "might" count. (I wouldn't put it past them to alter a bunch of these, too!)

Monday, October 11, 2004

"Nuclear" vs. "Nukular"

For four years, this idiot has had his finger on the button and can't even say "Nuclear"! This country is in desperate need of intelligent leadership and Dubya has proven that he is neither intelligent, nor a leader!

VOTE on November 2nd!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Bush is right! (Who'd of thunk?)

Ok, let me clarify this remark (from a card carrying Anti-Bush enthusiast) by pointing out that what Bush SAYS, on a very narrow subject, is right.

G. W. claims that Iraq is very much a center of terrorist activity. This is absolutely correct... it wasn't before he created it... but it is now!

Bush wanted to attack Sadam because Sadam plotted (though failed) to kill his daddy! By creating a power vacuum in Iraq, he has sucked violent and determined terrorist leaders into this area. Then, using inflammatory language, he stirred up this hornet's nest of zealots and gave them a target to focus on! Ata' Boy, Dubya!

George Bush is the main reason terrorists want to kill Americans! Now... decide whether "more of the same" will make you feel safer... then VOTE accordingly!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Bush's Zingers

Well, another debate has come and gone. George still sounded like a whiny little rich kid who was not getting his way. Kerry came off sounding very... well, Presidential! Then G. W. came out with this week’s zinger... "You can run, but you can't hide!" But, since John Kerry is neither running nor hiding from anything... I'm not sure he was damaged by this cliché.

The last of the debates may be different. The Liar Party has had it's best strategists working 'round the clock to come up with a sure fire universal come-back that George can use (and simply enough for him to memorize) the next time Kerry points out another of the many failures which has occurred during this administration.

Rumor has it that these strategists have come up with something really exciting! Bush has been holding back one of the great all time zingers for just the right time, and since this is the last debate coming up, now is that time.

Senator Kerry had better watch out, because the next time he hits Dubya with an accusation he can't answer, Kerry will likely be reduced to sputtering by George's comeback. There is no defense against the all time greatest zinger! George will smile that smug little rich kid smile and let loose a barrage of "I know you are, but what am I?", "I know you are, but what am I?", "I know you are, but what am I?".

Obviously, no defense will be adequate against this type of counter attack! Poor Mr. Kerry may as well just withdraw from the race, after that, and go home.

On a lighter note: What do you bet that we have a manufactured terrorist threat that is thwarted just in the nick of time, shortly before election day? The staged event will give Dubya a chance to "prove" what a good job he is doing in stopping terrorists! (We won't mention that G. W.'s arrogant posture is the main reason why so many terrorists want to attack us in the first place!) Of course, it would not be out of character for this administration to actually stage a real attack, killing hundreds people, if it might further their political goals. Isn't there some sage advice about not changing idiots in the middle of a stupid war?

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Republican "Fakts"!

To my complete lack of understanding, it seems that the Republican Party is striving to become the Party of Liars. They are working hard at this and seem to be having phenomenal success!

They have been making "fakts" (fake facts) up as they go along. Granted, it takes less time to check the fakts, now, than it used to, but to throw out an inflammatory statement that is untrue, will still damage the image of the smear target. And repeating this lie over and over will cause it to be accepted as fact by the idiot masses (i.e. Republicans). These idiot masses then regurgitate these "fakts" as reliably as parrots and proliferate the lie! (I apologize to all the parrots of the world for comparing them to Republicans!)

Truth, Ethics, Credibility, Honor, and Trust... do not seem to have any place in the new Liar Party! Neither do Common Sense, Intelligent Discourse, or Well Thought-out Decisions. Bush would gladly, and as easily, lie about Kerry eating his first born, as Cheney did about never meeting Edwards. However, the true horror in all this is that their “Ditto-Headed” followers would then believe that Kerry actually ate his first-born!

The Liar Party does not care what your vote costs them... please be aware of what your vote can cost you!!!

The "Anyone but Bush" mentality may not be enough this election year. We must rally around someone with the courage, credibility, intelligence, and strength to do this job! We must garner enough votes to bury any election manipulations that are planned by the Liar Party. This time, a coup d'état by Bush's cronies will not be tolerated and another stolen election will probably start a civil war... or at least I hope it would!

This country desperately needs Honor and Credibility in the White House, again!

John Kerry proved his courage and leadership in Vietnam and later as he challenged our awareness of the "truth of war" in front of the Winter Soldier Investigation in 1971. He has continued to serve America and her Citizens with intelligent leadership ever since. If you really want to oust George Bush... to put America back on a path to gain world respect and credibility... to stop murdering our young men and women in Iraq through "More of the Same" policies... you must vote for John Kerry in the 2004 election!

Honor America... VOTE!

Friday, October 01, 2004

The First Debate

Sorry folks, I'm still ranting off topic, but this next month is an important time in America and a lot needs to be said if we hope to still BE America, four years from now!

Until the Debate, I still wasn't sure whether either candidate deserved the job. Neither "Staying the (wrong) Course" nor "Flip-Flopping" on the issues seemed the right action for the leader of the free world.
I observed John Kerry, his demeanor, and his message. I evaluated George Bush with the same yardstick. What I saw in Kerry was a man with a firm vision for the future that encompasses, not just the war, but also the peace, afterwards. In Bush, I saw a man who whined about how hard the job is and kept coming back to the "Flip-Flop" issue, as if repeating it often enough would make it so.
Kerry has, of course, changed his mind when facts deem it necessary. That is what an intelligent and open minded person does. Bush, on the other hand, decides what he wants to believe, then "Stays the Course" in spite of the facts. This produces the kind of confidence that would make a member of the "Flat Earth Society" proud! Bush is confident in and determined to take... the wrong path! As Kerry put it, "You can be certain, and be wrong!"
I can picture G. W. at a picnic, there is a hornet's nest in the tree above, and Bush wants to make sure the picnickers are safe from the hornets. What does he do? True to form, he hits the nest with a stick to teach the hornets that he means business! That equates to antagonizing the terrorists with senseless comments like, "Bring It On"! Four more years of Bush, will absolutely mean four more years of terrorism!
Senator Kerry, on the other hand talked of solutions that include the rest of the world. I believe he would like to cultivate an entire world in which terrorism is not tolerated. His intelligent and straightforward message is an invitation to the world to join this fight, not a lame brag about how tough we are that don't need anyone else.
The future of our place in the Global Society will be up to us on November 2nd. Do we continue to act like a schoolyard bully? Or, do we invite the rest of the world to help solve the terrorist problem?
If the job is so hard for George, as he kept repeating, perhaps we need to replace him with someone who doesn't feel so inadequate.